
会長 大久保 ゆかり(東京医科大学皮膚科学分野 教授)

第38回日本乾癬学会学術大会を2023年8月25日~26日に東京 台場において開催いたします。東京では、小川秀興会長が1997年に第12回大会を恵比寿において、飯島正文会長が2005年に第20回大会を軽井沢において、中川秀己会長が2013年に第28回大会を東京ドームにおいて、照井正会長が2017年に第32回大会を品川において、池田志斈会長が2021年に第36回大会を舞浜に移して開催されました。この度、諸先輩方に育てて頂きました私達が開催する機会を賜り、大変光栄に存じます。



さて、この10数年の乾癬の診療・研究は飛躍的に進歩しました。多くの乾癬患者さんの皮膚・関節症状が改善すると共にPatient reported outcome(PRO)の重要性も認識されてきました。一方、ゲノム解析等の研究が進み、疾患の病態が明らかになりつつあり、希少疾患である汎発性膿疱性乾癬(GPP)、乾癬類縁疾患である掌蹠膿疱症(PPP)や、好中球関連皮膚疾患である化膿性汗腺炎などにも新しい治療薬の適応疾患が拡大されました。そのため他科との連携が益々重要になっており、各領域のエキスパートによる横断的なシンポジウムを企画しました。さらにグローバルでの臨床治験や疫学研究が進むうちに、国内外における疾患定義の違いが少しずつ明らかになってきました。今、国際的に活動の場をさらに拡げる時期と感じております。そこで、学術大会のテーマを「躍進する乾癬診療~国際調和を目指す~」「Breakthrough psoriasis practice -aiming for international harmonization-」とし、国内外の疾患解釈の違いを明らかにし、相互理解を深め、国際協調を目指す一歩にしたいと考え、海外講師を招いた教育講演やシンポジウムを予定しております。特に若手医師には英語発表の機会を増やしたいという思いから一般演題(English session)も設けましたので、奮って御参加ください。



The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research will be held in Daiba, Tokyo, on August 25th and 26th, 2023.

In Tokyo, Professor Hideoki Ogawa organized the 12th Annual Meeting in 1997 in Ebisu; Professor Masafumi Iijima organized the 20th Annual Meeting in 2005 in Karuizawa; Professor Hidemi Nakagawa organized the 28th Annual Meeting in 2013 in Tokyo Dome; Professor Tadashi Terui organized the 32nd Annual Meeting in 2017 in Shinagawa; and Professor Shigaku Ikeda organized the 36th Annual Meeting in 2021 in Maihama. It is a great honor for us to be given the opportunity to organize this meeting and follow in the footsteps of our illustrious predecessors.

For this annual meeting, we have chosen a Tokyo seaside venue that looks out on the Rainbow Bridge. We look forward to welcoming you with sparkling sea and clear blue skies, and spending an enjoyable time together, learning cheerfully.

In 2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this annual meeting had to be held online; since then, it has been held in a hybrid format with on-site and online. Now that restrictions have been relaxed, we had hoped to be able to hold the 2023 Annual Meeting entirely in person, but in light of the fact that infections have repeatedly peaked each summer, it will be held partly online.

The past decade or so has seen dramatic advances in the treatment and study of psoriasis. The skin and joint symptoms of many psoriasis patients improve, and the importance of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) has also become recognized. On the other hand, advances in areas such as genomic analysis are also helping us to understand the pathophysiology of these diseases, and indications for new therapeutic drugs have been expanded to include some rare disease: generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP); palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP); and hidradenitis suppurativa, a form of neutrophilic dermatosis. Therefore, collaboration with other departments is becoming ever more important, and we are planning to hold cross-disciplinary symposia with experts from different fields.

Global clinical trials and epidemiological studies are also underway, and differences between disease definitions in Japan and overseas are gradually becoming apparent. I feel that now is the time to further extend opportunities for international activities. This is why we have decided on the theme of “Breakthrough psoriasis practice -aiming for international harmonization-” for this annual meeting, with the goals of identifying differences in disease interpretations in Japan and overseas, deepening mutual understanding, and taking a step forward toward international harmonization. To that end, we will be holding educational lectures and symposia with speakers invited from overseas. With the goal of increasing opportunities for young doctors to present in English, we have also arranged a session of oral presentations in English, and warmly invite you to join this.

The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research offers a venue where its distinguishing features can be fully expressed, with goals including the invigoration and dissemination of academic and research activities related to psoriasis, renewed appreciation for the importance of case reports, provision of training for members aiming for board-certified dermatologists, and networking with patient groups for patients with psoriasis and PPP.

We are proceeding with preparations to ensure that this annual meeting will be a meaningful occasion for participants, with opportunities to learn about psoriasis and related diseases from fundamentals to clinical practice. I am greatly looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Yukari Okubo
Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical University